The Slow Development of Collateral Damage

Over the past few years, I haven't blogged much.  Haven't updated my fans much.  And haven't been hopeful of my writing much.  Most of this deals with personal reasons, setbacks, and struggles, which close friends and family are aware of.

But this post is supposed to be optimistic, so I'll get on with it.  I kind of took a break from writing in 2016 leading up to the release of Squall of the Fates.  I needed to focus on myself and my family.  In 2016 and 2017, I buried myself in books.  Towards the end of 2017, though, I began to write again.  The desire came back, and I resolved to stick to short stories.  I also read and reviewed ways to improve writing craft.

However, my luck changed in April 2018 when I got an acceptance letter from Broadswords & Blasters for my short story, Collateral Damage.  Boy, what a boost of confidence that was.  Someone thought I was good enough for their magazine.  I continued writing.  Soon, I got more acceptances from other markets.

I decided in mid-2018 that the acceptance of Collateral Damage was a good sign of the market and I would develop it as a full fledged novel and...maybe expand the idea into other books as well.  As I outlined the novel, other ideas came to me: an aftermath, a mech pilot, the military.  So now, I see this as an entire saga, four books following four very different stories, set in the same world.

Collateral Damage is currently in the hands of beta readers, who have guaranteed to have it back in my hands by October.  After reviewing their comments, then it's off to the editor.  Be on the lookout for developments as they arise.  If you want the latest, please sign up for the email list at:


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