Reading Good
When I first did my research on writing, I saw an offhand comment on having to read a lot. Well, my research was not so much on writing as it was on the industry of writing, or how to nab an agent or get a nice fat royalty check every week from your New York Times bestseller. The article said to read a lot in the area you wish to write in. Me being young and naive, I thought this was a sort of sales gimmick. You want to write as a [insert genre] author? You wanna write in the big leagues? You can! all my books, buy my imprint's books, and buy all the genre's books. It's important to support one another as authors, after all. Like I said, I was naive. As far as the money aspect goes, I had forgotten about this wonderful, magical place called the public library where you can borrow any one of a thousand books for free based off of nothing but the trustworthiness of your word. In the age of the Internet, these librarie...